Discover the Various Options for Classes and Services

We are located right next to Dr. Bracken's Arcadia Animal Clinic. The address is
3935 E. Meadowbrook Ave., Ste. 2
Phoenix, AZ 85018

This location offers a variety of classes and services:

  • Pet owner education classes include:
  • Attending to Your Dog's Social Needs - Safely guiding your dog's experiences at dog parks, daycares, playgroups
  • Understanding the Mysterious Language of Dogs - An in-depth look at how to read dogs in all situations
  • Classes for rescue groups and animal shelters
  • Basic Life-Skills Training (Basic Obedience Training) - Includes all the basics to get your dog started with training, including sit, stay, down, come, leash control & handling, leave it, and eye contact. This 6-week class uses our innovative Choice Training method to teach your dog all obedience basics! Space is extremely limited. See our calendar of classes tab for specific dates. The fee is $290. Please click HERE to email us for information and registration.
  • Basic II – High-Level Practice from Basic Training - This 4-week class will be a review, and repetitive practice of behaviors learned in the Basic Life-Skills Training class. Basic II provides exercises and fun activities to work on training muscle memory. The fee is $175. Please click HERE to email us for information and registration.
  • Relationship Training - Creating a Lifelong Connection with Your Dog - This 6-week class teaches you how to use the skill sets you have already taught your dog and how to weave obedience into everyday life activities to engage your dog. These life activities will involve attention splitting exercises. This means even when you are thinking through what you are doing next in your routine, your dog needs to stay involved with you. Before enrolling in this class, dogs should have these basic skills: sit, down, wait or stay, walk with you, attention, or eye contact. Before enrolling in this class, people should have these basic skills: the ability to laugh at oneself, not be too shy to engage in front of the class, and loosen up and have a good time! The fee is $250. Please click HERE to email us for information and registration.
  • EduCare Activities Class - Too hot or too busy to exercise and train your dog? How about exercising your dog's brain with an activities class filled with lessons from our "EduCare for Dogs" program? Join us with your dog for this 5-week class to learn all about shaping with a goal, free shaping, body awareness, discrimination exercises, and body handling acclimation. These are fun activities and lessons for both you and your dog! If you enjoy training and working with your dog, you'll love this class. Join us for some brain and body games. And many more classes are coming soon!